
Zirkus Kabuwazi, Hostel Eastern Comfort, Berlin


→ video

→ research

→ drawings


In zwischenzwei.fluss, the previous interdisciplinary methods were applied to urban space around the Spree canal between Oberbaumbrücke and Schillingbrücke, southeast Berlin.
The question of how locations in the city are perceived was the main interest of this project. What kind of places does one find, and what are the different ways one can relate to them?

Possible.movement took part in graphic, chorographic and musical research in different places around the city. The locations, in their current state, resisted every attempt of classification, but nevertheless inspired us to open up our own places.

This is how zwischenzwei.fluss became a reflection on the perception of a city.
The result was a performance divided into two parts, one in a circus tent and the other on a boat along the Spree.
The first part inside a Circus tent was a more conservative performance. Here the sounds of the city interfered with the sounds from the performance, which was transformed into projected landscapes, movements, and sounds.
The second part was a performative installation on a boat, which was situated on the other side of the Spree’s shore. Here the previous material was deconstructed while the audience was free to move around during the performance.


Choreography: Claudia Garbe
Graphic + space: Ingolf Watzlaw
Composition: Daniel Vezza
Violin: Johnny Chang
Contrabass: Christopher Williams
Dance: Claudia Garbe, Katja Scholz, Johanne Timm
Dramaturgy: Johanne Castillo Bro


Premiere at 09.06.2010 Zirkuszelt Kabuwazi/ Hostelschiff Eastern Comfort, Berlin

Promoted by the university of acting „Ernst Busch“, Berlin